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Central Africa: voluntary return of 200 refugees living in Cameroon

25 March 2023  |  Source: UNHCR
Category: News

After 10 years of’exil in Cameroon following the armed violence, which shook the Central African Republic, at least 200 nationals have returned, this March 22, the fold. Welcomed in Beloko, in the west of the country, by the Central African authorities and UNHCR officials, these former refugees intend to contribute to the development of their country. 

This afternoon, March 22, a convoy of vehicles from Cameroon crossed the border of Cantonnier with on board, 200 citizens of the central African republic. These former refugees, represent 66 households including 107 women and 93 men.

A real moment of’ emotion and satisfaction after years of separation from’ with his motherland. 


« I am a Central African and I am back in my country. My heart is really filled with joy », s’ rejoiced Oumarou Moumini, an upturned.

After several years of’sabsence on Central African soil, some of its former refugees are committed to work for the recovery of the national economy. If they wish to resume their rural activities, others on the other hand intend to carry out income-generating activities in order to contribute to the development of their country.

« I thank the Central African government. I am a native of Gallo and I will resume my agricultural activities for the development of my country », said Adoukou, a Gallo national.

-Read also : 150 Refugees living in Cameroon have returned voluntarily

Same state of mind for Adamou Souleymane, a national of Baoro, who intends to resume his rural activities and fruit them.

« Practice trading »

« I go back to Baoro to get started in the country work. With the funds generated, I could get a motorcycle and practice the motorcycle taxi trade », he planned.

For the current year, UNHCR, a government partner, plans to repatriate 800 Central Africans living on Cameroonian territory.

Political will displayed

« These repatriation operations take into account the first speech of the head of the’ State who requested that compatriots, who had left the country, be able to return. Therefore, it was necessary to set up a device under the banner of the Minister of Humanitarian Action for UNHCR to support the government in these operations », said Cleophas Eusebius Dondra Gbassinga, expert in charge of operations at the Ministry of Humanitarian Action.           

In 2022, 1,095 Central Africans, refugees in Cameroon, were repatriated by UNHCR to the CAR. A voluntary return of these citizens who fled their homeland because of the armed violence of 2013.

-Read also : Thousands of Central African refugees living in Chad express a desire to return to the country